Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Good Balance

I like modern cities to have identities so they have to have a balance of nature and progress. Nature is plants, trees and people. Progress is infrastructures like buildings, roads and bridges. So naturally, we have to take out the weeds and spray pesticides to kill insects. The trees need the sunlight and water to manufacture food. People raise plants and animals for food. The soil needs to be cultivated and added on fertilizers. Say weeds is to zombies is to homosexuality, drug addiction and other forms of corruption. See related:

The irony is that you want to have progress, you have to poison the soil so that termites will not thrive and eat the timber of the bridges and buildings.

What I am trying to say is that good tradition is amusing but those which are negligible to nuisance are to replaced with modern ideas.

What I can say about the Chinese is that they are aggressive at work, they have the gogogo attitude. To a fault sometimes they disregard quality. This should be replaced with modern strategy. Off work they are warm if you get to know them. See related.
Just like any people I guess. In Palau we have Japanese consultants so I talk to them almost everyday. I think they are more on diplomatic attitude in everything. One gave me a pencil for souvenir when I went home. Koreans are more guarded and reserved I would think. Europeans I see them in Khao San Road in Bangkok, you never think its an asian city with all the white people there. The men have their hair braided there and the women in the asian long dresses.

The reason the Chinese thrived in foreign places is because they bond as a group. Legend has it here that the first chinese migrants were taho vendors, a derivative snack from tofu. And look at where their descendants are now. On top of the most richest people locally. That is something the world can emulate especially Filipinos needs to learn the value of unity. The bad side is when their business is drugs.

The Japanese meanwhile are creators. Anime is a big part of not only childhood but up to being adults, people worldwide enjoy watching. The bad part is that some use the creativity for rampant pornography. As you can see in my playlist, the Japanese have good artists. I hope their women think highly of themselves and the government does something to better their lives.

The West are the first ones to have good causes and bad causes. As the older people, and I hope more mature, they must show the East how to eradicate corruption in their countries. Like most porn websites are from the West. 

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