Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rise of the Machines

The Terminator series is one of my favorite film series. The sequel has that amazing effects on the Terminator machines. My opinion is that this is a sign of things to come but not literally. As I said, its difficult for a machine to run smoothly like a human does. If ever, the machine needs to have a soul. Which I find incomprehensible. This said, I think the Terminator series is a mock irony. Nations will rise like machines for a better world.

Next ones are symbolic. RoboCop riding a motorcycle means keep the cycle of good traditions alive.

OP means Original Poster in internet forums. This means you people should start discussions and debates or start a blog to be a leader like Optimus Prime.

My guess is that we are in Cybertron right now.

In Challenge of the Gobots, Leader One and his band stops Cykill or the cycle of killings and corruption.

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