Friday, June 12, 2015

God in Heaven

If there is heaven and hell on earth, it follows that there is a spiritual meaning. They are mirrors. You homosexuals are not supposed to marry. And have relationships. How can you misunderstand the commandments?
Matthew 6
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
And also a gay man and a gay woman is not supposed to have a relationship. No employer in his right mind will hire a hairdresser for carpentry works.

So Jesus being a carpenter, handles the hammer like Thor.

Ankh (ankh)
Appearance: The ankh is one of the most familiar of Egyptian hieroglyphs. It resembles the Christian cross, with a loop above the transverse bar. Theories on its origins are numerous and varied; ranging from sexual symbolism to the common sandal strap. Like the Knot of Isis, which it resembles, it is most likely depicts some kind of elaborate bow.

The above picture is one of the oldest crosses found. There is no body of Christ.

"Saint Thomas Christian crosses are ancient crosses which belonged to the ancient community of Saint Thomas Christians of Indian sub continent who trace their origins to the evangelistic activity of Saint Thomas in the 1st century thus making it one of the oldest Christian communities of the world.[1][2] Saint Thomas Christian crosses are broadly classified as Mar Thoma Sliva (Saint Thomas Cross),[3] Persian Cross and Nasrani Sthambam."

Thinking of the story of Helen of Troy, the face which launched a thousand ships. Daughter of Zeus and married to King Menelaus. Paris, the Prince of Troy abducted Helen which starts the Trojan War. On the other hand the Bible talks of Hebrews being maltreated in Egypt so in comes Moses to deliver them from the Pharaoh. Like I said writers get ideas from each others works. They just change the theme, settings, characters.

I have a complaint. Why do grooms have to wait in the altar for the bride to show up? Who started this nonsense. And feminists they talk of equal rights. Tsk tsk. In proms we see the guy going to the home of the girl so they come together to the party. Because they have agreement already. So to this I ask to change the current tradition. I mean its not fair. You ask yourself if its fair. I'm not angry. Its just an itch I have to scratch. Holy mackerel. And I was absolutely thinking about a couple. Its only now I am reminded that this mirrors to religion. Amazing.

So we might say a picture paints a thousand words. But for me a song sings of a thousand portraits. So when you put together moving pictures and sounds it becomes a video. Which is synergy as the interpretations are multiplied.

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