Wednesday, June 17, 2015


So one asks how can we be sure the Bible we read is the correct translation. My answer is you feel it your heart. Because the Bible is a constant guideline. However corrupted people will spin the interpretations because they have ulterior motives. And people can see through that.

After you read the guidelines, you go into perfection. Relationships of people vary so it is up to you. There are friends, lovers, married couples and family. There are also many kinds of arrangements like there would be a working father and a working mother. Often times, it is the father who earns for the family while there are occasions they are house husbands when the mother works.

This is not uncommon for filipinos cause the women, they have to sacrifice as domestic helpers. Which I find unfair by the way. Men are supposed to wear the pants not the women. If women can be domestic helpers, why can't you go there yourself and be a domestic helper. Because women they are exposed to dangers abroad so if you really care for your wives, you must sacrifice, not her.

'freely ye have received, freely give' is a wrongly translated verse in Filipino. They interpreted freely as free, which has made a whole world of difference.

in a free manner: as
a :  of one's own accord <left home freely>
b :  with freedom from external control <a freely elected government>
c :  without restraint or RESERVATION <spent freely on clothes>
d :  without hindrance <a gate swinging freely>
e :  not strictly following a model, convention, or rule <freely translated>

: not costing any money
: not held as a slave or prisoner
: not physically held by something

The thing about the Bible we have to know is that it is a collection of stories. They may be or may not be related to each other. Like the ones who compare Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Say in modern times we like to debate whether who is the greatest player in the NBA? Michael Jordan they say is the greatest. Then the fans saw what Kobe and LeBron are doing so they compare. I guess I will let the fans debate with this matter.

Another asks are we dead if we see God? My answer is some are dead and some are living.
1 Thessalonians 4
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Regarding separation of a husband and wife, the Bible has grounds for divorce, corruption mainly and concubinage and fixed marriage and insanity because love must be present. You can find new heaven and new earth thus a new love after divorce. So you married again, the purpose of man primarily is to procreate so there. If there is a kid or kids in the previous marriage is that we leave the doctrines of the Bible and follow the Philippine law. As far as I know, the kids stay with the mother until the kid is of legal age - the time the person can decide to stay with the mother or the father or whatever. I think there are subclauses on whether the mother is capable of raising the child. Better consult the lawyer.

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