Thursday, June 4, 2015


This a continuation on Migration. If you can find the Chinese in all corners of the world, my theory is that the same can be true on plants and animals. They can survive in conditions that are new to them. Of course we can say that of other races, its just its more evident on the Chinese. Its like travel is embedded in their genes. Probably the Phoenicians who were maritime traders settled in China.

I have been researching on Olive trees and how they are being propagated in Hawaii. We know that Olive trees needs the freezing time of winter but according to the university, last time I read, the Olive trees can thrive in the tropics. Okay this is a business in my mind but it seems everyone can benefit if more people will know of this technology. I like cooking and olive oil is the healthiest oil of them all. Problem is they are costly so that is why I want Olive oil to be more available to people. So hopefully this acts as catalyst and tree growers see this as a profitable business venture. I'm not trying to attack anybody, like I said I have been researching this from about four years ago. I like to be a farmer and Olive trees is the one business I want for personal consumption and for others. I thought of combining several air conditioners to simulate the freezing of the Olive trees in a greenhouse. Next to that is get an olive presser which is expensive also. So better if other people know of this.

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