Monday, June 1, 2015


As you have noticed, most of my writing are from the Bible because Catholic is the religion I was born into and gotten accustomed to. However I acknowledge that the Bible in essence is derived from older religious texts. My belief is that they are congruent with each other. Like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must have read Edgar Allan Poe's detective writing. To unlock these other texts I must cite the Bible for comparison. To be clearer its like the game show Wheel of Fortune for me. Lets say there is a phrase and that the religious texts are the letters of the alphabet. The Bible for me is the letter E. I think letters AIORSTLN are next. Which means the Koran, buddhist and hindu texts. Also the greek, roman and norse mythologies. And others I have not mentioned. So bear with me as I study more on all your texts. Not study many women. I guess its like you study a woman and all her moods.

Noah's Ark story is from the Buddhists? I read up some more on this.

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