I have elementary knowledge about Chess and strategies. I am not good in this game
. But what does the pieces signify is another thing. The King moves in one space in all directions. The Queen in all spaces in all directions. The Rook moves laterally and back and forth. The Bishop in diagonals. The Knight in a L-jump. The Pawns move forward in one spaces or can jump 2 spaces at the start of the game
Which made me wonder why does the Queen have that omnipotent power? Is she God? Take the USA for example. Does that mean the First Lady Michelle Obama has more power than her husband the President of the USA Barack Obama?
My opinion is that as the president, Barack has so much weighing on him so he moves slowly. He thinks of his family, his country, his country's relations and all that crap. His influence is mainly on fellow leaders and upper management. Meanwhile Michelle and the kids visiting the Muslim school has more influence on the populace. Do you guys agree with this? Speak up people?
The Rook means a tower or a shield that can go laterally or attack and defend. Meaning the interior and the exterior government.
The Bishop moves in a blind attack meaning the religions.
The Knight moves in irregular ways so could be related to the Night's Watch.
While Pawns are sacrificial lambs or fall guys.
Okay lets say the situation is that there is only a King and no Queen. The King has to have someone to act as an ambassador and influence people. It can be the Duke or the Duchess or the Prince or the Princess. Its like a pawn running to the endzone and transforming to a Queen. Yes I am saying that Kris Aquino should be an ambassador and as such, she can accompany President Noynoy Aquino to represent the country in world events.
So I am thinking in Game of Thrones, which clan has the most complete pieces. Well I think first of all, the King must be strong otherwise the Kingdom will fail. So with Daenerys I think she is a strong leader and has three powerful dragons although loveless. You might be thinking with the limited moves in Chess, the King is powerless. Actually, the player who is controlling all the pieces is the King.
If a major piece is missing, people should search for it as soon as possible. Its like when Jesus leaves the flock to search for one missing piece. Okay I believe that the long term solution to world peace is education, sports and entertainment because of the communication. I do not understand the concept in the game of cricket. So learning it is in my agenda because once I know the details in the sport, perhaps it is also a guide to understanding Hindu and Buddhist texts.
I think when Jesus showed up to the Apostles and the doubting Thomas is like a friend who is saying, did you really marry? So Jesus showed up his hands. I think this means there should be a ring on both hands. Because when you eat is with two hands. You work with two hands. Just makes sense to me cause one ring on one hand looks unbalanced. The body is like a temple or a castle and the two hands represents the The King and The Queen.
Because people usually have a strong hand and an off-hand. You need both to function efficiently and effectively. More people are right-handed than there are lefties. I guess the ratio of lefties to right-handed people is somewhat similar to the ratio between women leaders and men leaders.
To have an ideal kingdom it needs a wise King and a Queen who can influence people. But as said above, in cases of a single president, the country needs an ambassador representative of the president. Because it is hard for a single parent to raise the children alone. So you need the help of your brother, your sister, your olds and friends.
And in cases of a kingdom where there is a King and a Queen but the King is both the father and mother while the Queen is treated like a pawn. There is something hugely wrong with this picture. Learn to delegate and to make use of resources like manpower, money
and equipment. You can see this in the Bible as the Parable of the talents where one man buried his talents and to which God gets angry. God gave you talents that you must develop.

Which made me wonder why does the Queen have that omnipotent power? Is she God? Take the USA for example. Does that mean the First Lady Michelle Obama has more power than her husband the President of the USA Barack Obama?
My opinion is that as the president, Barack has so much weighing on him so he moves slowly. He thinks of his family, his country, his country's relations and all that crap. His influence is mainly on fellow leaders and upper management. Meanwhile Michelle and the kids visiting the Muslim school has more influence on the populace. Do you guys agree with this? Speak up people?
The Rook means a tower or a shield that can go laterally or attack and defend. Meaning the interior and the exterior government.
The Bishop moves in a blind attack meaning the religions.
The Knight moves in irregular ways so could be related to the Night's Watch.
While Pawns are sacrificial lambs or fall guys.
Okay lets say the situation is that there is only a King and no Queen. The King has to have someone to act as an ambassador and influence people. It can be the Duke or the Duchess or the Prince or the Princess. Its like a pawn running to the endzone and transforming to a Queen. Yes I am saying that Kris Aquino should be an ambassador and as such, she can accompany President Noynoy Aquino to represent the country in world events.
So I am thinking in Game of Thrones, which clan has the most complete pieces. Well I think first of all, the King must be strong otherwise the Kingdom will fail. So with Daenerys I think she is a strong leader and has three powerful dragons although loveless. You might be thinking with the limited moves in Chess, the King is powerless. Actually, the player who is controlling all the pieces is the King.
If a major piece is missing, people should search for it as soon as possible. Its like when Jesus leaves the flock to search for one missing piece. Okay I believe that the long term solution to world peace is education, sports and entertainment because of the communication. I do not understand the concept in the game of cricket. So learning it is in my agenda because once I know the details in the sport, perhaps it is also a guide to understanding Hindu and Buddhist texts.
I think when Jesus showed up to the Apostles and the doubting Thomas is like a friend who is saying, did you really marry? So Jesus showed up his hands. I think this means there should be a ring on both hands. Because when you eat is with two hands. You work with two hands. Just makes sense to me cause one ring on one hand looks unbalanced. The body is like a temple or a castle and the two hands represents the The King and The Queen.
Because people usually have a strong hand and an off-hand. You need both to function efficiently and effectively. More people are right-handed than there are lefties. I guess the ratio of lefties to right-handed people is somewhat similar to the ratio between women leaders and men leaders.
To have an ideal kingdom it needs a wise King and a Queen who can influence people. But as said above, in cases of a single president, the country needs an ambassador representative of the president. Because it is hard for a single parent to raise the children alone. So you need the help of your brother, your sister, your olds and friends.
And in cases of a kingdom where there is a King and a Queen but the King is both the father and mother while the Queen is treated like a pawn. There is something hugely wrong with this picture. Learn to delegate and to make use of resources like manpower, money

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