Friday, April 3, 2015


I just saw my commentary on the seminar I attended in 2006. Think its worth sharing.

What I learned in Total Quality Management

Quality is a never-ending improvement and stagnation hinders it. If you just sit around, you will be run over. Successful people take more risks. TQM basically identifies the main problem - its causes and effects for possible solutions using different methods or diagrams. TQM can be applied to any field. It can also be applied to an individual. Its just a matter of identifying the main problem and the corresponding solution like what psychologists do.

Something I have noticed in the generation today. They are always on the go. The effect of mass media. They have learned many things in life at such a young age. Sometimes you be surprised listening to a ten-year old speak. Thinking equally the same as you. Quality is never-ending so go, run. Do not let yourself be run over. But as they say, there are people who run first but finish last. And there are people who run late but gets to the finish line first.

That's what I wrote then and certainly not to be taken at face value. I think what it simply means is it is fine for people to have a go, go and go mentality in terms of accomplishing things. However quality must always be in check. I think that applies to what is happening to the world today - in striving for progress, we leave behind stagnating beliefs.

Here's a photo of the document:

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