Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Church

The church as I understand it.

As any organization, it should have a capable leader - from Bishops to the deacons. As the Bible puts it when it comes to faith in God, do not call Father on earth. Cause God is a jealous God. The Bible allows titles as long as it does not refer to as Father.

You might raise what I said in the past that The Father is the one I love, I am the son and The Holy Spirit is Love. Here we think of our loved one as our Father in heaven. Why are you in heaven? Because the Father exalted you already, silly. And the other girls on earth, do not refer to them as your number 2. Following with me thus far? I know this is funny.

That is Heaven and Earth on Earth. And we have also discussed Limbo on Earth. I would say this is the physical world. With regards to the spiritual, it corresponds that there should be Heaven, Earth, Limbo and Hell.

So one asks how can you be sure there is spiritual? Well my heart says there is. My faith says there is. Logically what is the difference between the living and the dead? Both have the physical manifestation so there must be the unknown. I call it the spirit.

My relationship with God is with Him alone cause its a one on one communication. And different from what other perceive. Other people have their own relationship with God.

So if we have one on one relationship with God, why the need for a Church?

The Bible talks of leaving the Bible and go into perfection. These are the traditions of the Church passed on from generations - the sign of the cross, kneeling down and the singing of praises. So that members will have fellowship with one another.
1 John
3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Like I said, we are already congregating when we watch the news on television and on the internet and respond through social media cause knowledge is being shared. All sorts of activities which has good aims are fellowship already. So why go to church again. Perhaps to be family and friends and hopefully the priest will have interesting stories to tell. And that the speakers are working fine so the people can hear what the priest has to say.

And what are the saints for? And Mary? It says God is a jealous God. You look at the saints as role-models. Nothing more than that. God knows what you need before you pray for it. What you must do is follow his teachings and to be educated firstly.

I apologize if I offended you, I am not perfect also and tactless at times. I love you guys all equally. For me only God is above you. I admit there's many things I need to learn and if it is the will of God, He gives me the answers.

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