Friday, June 12, 2015

V Formation

Okay so I was thinking in ancient cities they find granite stones that have details cut so perfectly square and straight that we cannot replicate with grinders. Then I think of birds, they fly in V formation to cut the wind and makes it easy for the group to travel. The leader falls back to the end of rotation just what the strategy of cyclists in tournaments. And on the water, ships have V shape to cut the water. So we see the V shape cuts the air and the water. But when it comes to stones, we use grinders and jet water with difficulty. We can use the blower with air compressors also but generally for cleaning purposes. But nothing comes close to cutting solid materials as precise as that of ancient people. So what if we use the V shape in water and air jets. I know this sounds impossible cause water and air they tend to scatter when they leave the nozzles. If we find a way to make water and air into a V shape, it makes things simpler.

How about diamonds? The hardest crystal. If we use them as grits as used in sandblasting. Can we break down diamonds into bits? I dunno. Are there diamonds and golds in the solar system? What if we mine them in other planets for industrial use because they have unique properties. Just throwing ideas in here.

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