Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mission of Man

I think the early Christians are writers, philosophers, doctors, builders, lawyers, musicians, carpenters, masons, trades people, athletes and other professionals who built an organization to help the poor. Most probably Jesus is a jack of all trades so to speak so he has knowledge in many fields. And considering his father is a carpenter, he inherited that skill also and that he was involved not only in founding the church figuratively but also literally. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity, World Without Boundaries and locally here we also have the PAO (Philippine Attorneys Office) which provides free consultations about the law, Gawad Kalinga, Doctor to the Barrios, Home for the Aged among others - these are from God. This is a Christian song I know from my Catholic school.

Mission of Man

Man, O man, look up and say

Why am I here what’s my job what’s my goal
You are from God, not only clay
You are a person with body and soul.

You are never forsaken like the sparrows all over the skies
You may be badly bedridden.
Yet trust and you’ll never die.

If pride you’d have, God you’d forget
When you do strive to be great aim too high
Greatness will fade, you’ll soon regret
Sooner or later you’re going to cry. (ref)

You may be blind begging all day
Mission each one’s got, a job to be done
You are a man, get up and pray
Don’t forget you’re a part of God’s plan. (ref)

The song says even sparrows have a purpose in this life so what more for a more intelligent being that is the human race? You may be badly bedridden from sickness so go see the doctor of souls.
Matthew 6
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Who does not want to hear "I love you" being said to them repeatedly? I think God does not hear the praises of those fake people or He does not approve of them so their praises are useless. But coming from His followers, the repeated praises of affection are most welcome.

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