Sunday, April 26, 2015

These days (15)

Thor's hammer
The hammer is called Mjolnir and only the worthiest of heroes can wield the weapon and the power it bestows. Aside from Thor, from the article I read there are 12 other characters in comics that has lifted the Mjolnir. I think the hammer symbolizes knowledge. Let's say I have knowledge and other people have moved and influenced me and become my role-models. Like other people have their own hammers and role-models. Spiderman says, With great power comes great responsibility. I guess that is a call for celebrities (including politicians and other persons of influence) to be good role-models to people they mold.

On insecurities
I like going to the arcades and drive. Sometimes I challenge these kids and be beaten by them. Thing is, at one thing or more, there will be people better than you and just the same, sometimes you are better than most people. What I mean is no one is perfect. Do what you do best. So people just shrug their insecurities and believe in themselves and start living. As Aerosmith say, life's a journey not a destination.

Artificial intelligence
The film Terminator 3 type extinction level event, I do not think it happens. For me there still be limitations for robots. The power source, the battery or they can get short-circuited. Humans still inherit the earth.

Vball girls
Read that our under-23 Women's Volleyball will be competing this May 1. I hope our kababayans will support our girls cause you can see that they enjoy playing and competing. You know the strategies, teamwork and combination plays are complicated and as a true sportsfan it makes you riveted to the plays. I remember watching our NT in the 1991 SEA games before. They led 2-0 before the Vietnamese ladies mounted a comeback to beat us 3-2. What a dampener that was. I told you guys, I cannot predict boxing games. This is not about Manny v Money. I love watching volleyball, no other reason than that. Good luck to our girls, God believes in you.

What the chinese are trying to build there in the seas? Camp Big Falcon? Are we expecting the boazanian forces? And by that I do not mean Alien beings or the machines in War of the worlds. I do not think so. As I said they probably are incapable of interstellar flight at this time. I am talking about ignorance and education. Just thinking maybe the islands also will be for the purpose of housing education. Like the Alexandria library, the biggest they say in history. With this institute of learning, it can burn the ancient dogmas and traditions that delay human progress.

Why is everybody talking about Sansa? I think Arya is great. My second favorite after Tywin Lannister. You know that soundtrack when she was learning the sword? This is tremendously relaxing.

The food of the Gods. Bacon tastes great. And it just makes everything taste better.

War of the worlds
In the novel by H.G. Wells, it tells us of blood-sucking Aliens which invaded the Earth. The Aliens are portrayed as machine-like from the film I saw. The novel is prophetic on how machines or gadgets now consume humans. I mean that literally. My cousin one time passed out because of playing PC games nonstop for 2 days. That is how addicting these modern gadgets are. Its better to look back to our roots and practices. All things should be taken in moderation or with regards to your limits or how you discipline yourself and others.

Planet of the apes
Just thought about this. Its like a wolf and a dog has a common ancestor. What I mean is that we find life outside earth, the conditions will be different so it follows their evolution as well. Imagine aside from apes, we also find the prawns from District 9. I don't know. I'm just kidding you guys.

Sirius and Orion
I already said I am fond of Ancient Aliens the TV series and that the Orion constellation is revered by ancient people. Egyptians believe that their Gods descended from the belt of Orion and the star Sirius. I believe in God that is why I close my eyes when I pray or look up to the skies. You see how can you people trust me when this is my faith? I do not believe in religion. The Bible for me serves as a guide. When I am doubting myself, I turn to this verse by "Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness". Which simply means you have study harder. Okay let me give this a shot. Lets say that Egyptians are right that our ancestors are from the Orion constellation. Why are they not coming back? Lets assume further that they have aged as a civilization and that they are already incapable of interstellar travel although they can send messages with other ways like telepathy for example. Like your old folks, you seldom see them or not at all cause you have your own family. But nowadays you can contact them through telephones. Am i making sense? As a devoted son, is it not your duty to visit your folks? And so to get to Orion and Sirius, kids must learn more about astrophysics and aspire to be astronauts. These warring people must forget what they are fighting for and get educated in universities. The war is against ignorance. The kids must be taught so that the next generations will be smarter and smarter. So until such time we have the technology to reach Orion. There you go, call it what you will. So I mean this song is odd. And the elephant prominently seen throughout the video, I talked about the animal before:

There's this Indian parable titled Blind Men and an Elephant. These blind men touched an elephant in different parts. One who touched the tail says Elephant is a rope, one touched the trunk and says it is a branch of a tree, one touched who touched the belly say it is a wall and so on. People will see what they wanna see. But what people should realize is to see the big picture. See the whole elephant.

Cats and dogs
Women are cats and men are dogs. Based on the behavior of my cat, then women sleep at least 12 hours a day and are nocturnal. Extremely moody. Dogs meanwhile welcome their humans with the tails wagging. Most of them bark but will not bite. I do not see any truth in this.

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