Saturday, April 18, 2015


In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh have designated eunuchs to guard his wife. Its like bodyguards but they have castrated reproductive organs to prevent accidents. My opinion is that eunuchs have special skills that is why the Pharaohs entrusted his wife to these people. Why you say. Let tell you about cats, when you castrate them, they become bigger cats. Most of the biggest cats I seen in cat shows are castrated. So does that mean that humans will become bigger when castrated? Not necessarily, but I think their other senses will be more developed than usual thereby having special skills. Like skills for a bodyguard. There are women who have their reproductive organs removed, does not make them less of a woman. Because what they feel is in the soul. More than about the physical. It follows that these nutrients which are supposed to be going to the pituitary gland will be distributed instead to other parts of the body and this is where I think special abilities are acquired. 

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