Friday, April 10, 2015

Samson and Delilah

Samson was known for his power if i'm not mistaken. His foes baited him with Delilah. Delilah cut Samson's hair which was the source of his power. I think they even blinded him. But Samson's hair grew longer as time goes by and was able to regain sight I think. And then there's was this party in a temple I guess. Samson prayed to God, summoned his strength and pushed the columns of the structure and all of them died.

As what we said last time, the hair is a symbol of your legacy. Probably Samson walked using the good word and when his opponents saw this, they were infused with envy. Delilah cut the hair meaning Samson became corrupted and he could not see this. Samson probably realized his mistakes, walked back to the truth and destroyed the evil in all of them.

As I said I will provide interpretations. Samson is the son of Sam. Uncle Sam is the United States. Delilah would be Not Lilah or it simply refers to a different person or thing. The Bible is full of metaphors so people should adjust accordingly.

Say Samson is like Samsung. The most precious thing in the world is family. Let us say you have a brother who is carefree and easy-going. As an older brother you have to guide him. Maybe your brother is pressured of being in your shadow. What you do is understand him in his individuality, help him in good endeavors and have compromises. I would do that first before helping other relatives.

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