Friday, April 10, 2015

These days (8)

Disclaimer: I do not attack anyone personally. Topics just take my attention. Like this two party system is being discussed by Fox sports. I am a fan of you guys here and as grown men and women, do not take it personally okay.

In math 1+1=2 but in business terms 1+1= infinity. They call it synergy and is applicable not only in business. Remembered this from a gameshow in Arirang TV long time ago, i wonder why they discontinue that kind of informative show.

Shit talk
Okay I was in class one time for training for project management I think when my stomach rumbled. Must be what I eaten. Nature calls. I chewed up tissue paper to stall it while there's perspiration sll over me. The instructor saw my reaction and mistaken it like I was not paying attention. He had the pained look with matching dramatic statements. Can't he see I was in shit mode! So I texted my brother to get my jacket. As I move on my toes, the clueless instructor still had the pained look. I met my brother downstairs and luckily the jacket was able to cover my backside. We sat on the passenger seat of the jeepney. I left a pretty good painting of two brown circles on the canvass seat.

Two party system
By the United States when voting for a president is ideal I think. Like when King Solomon decides who is the real mother of the baby. Unlike here in the Philippines, you have at least 7 candidates for presidency. And worse there are so-called nuisance candidates which are nuisance in the very sense of the word. This happens because the only requirement is you have to be a Filipino resident if I remember correctly. This has been a source of amusement and entertainment that local media loves to cover. What do you call people who already knows that this practice is a waste of resources - fools. Yup you are fools in continuing this. You are supposed to have the brightest brains in the region and you cannot adjust the voting requirements to qualified people? What a shame! Shame on you. I mean 7 candidates for presidency! Why are there so many political parties in the Philippines? Its like what I said before, the number of islands symbolizes the mental segregation of the Filipinos. The reason why the Spaniards have 300+ years of occupation quelling 200+ Filipino revolts. Come on Filipino law makers you can do much better than that.

Against death penalty
An eye for an eye in ancient times means they take out your eyes literally or kill you if you have killed someone - these are mis-understood rules. How can you do more good things if you have no eyes? You have eye cover to avoid watching pornography. How about a life for a life? Is that literal? If a person has killed another person you have to punish him but not by death. You kill the evil in the person. In letting him live, you give the person a chance to save lives. You educate this people with knowledge. People can change for the better, its a matter of discipline. I know this for a fact. The world knows this for a fact.

City slackers
Around 1997 I guess, four of us EEI employees spend our years with playstation during weekends. We play the NBA Live the most, me of course Vince Carter and the Toronto Raptors while others the New York Knicks, Los Angeles Lakers and Sacramento Kings. The Kings I beat rather easily, Lakers win some, lose some although I think I have the upperhand overall while I have only few games against the Knicks in which I lost all. The Knicks during those times have higher ratings for defense. Okay I concede he is just better than me. There's also this obese brother of our friend who was sometimes pissed off with our presence, he was previously associated with Myx as far as I know, switches on the computer and tries to mess with us with the blaring sound of the speakers. The brother's quite alright for me, I can see how dedicated he is with work. But there was this phone call on my birthday that changed all, one of our friends died that day. We then went to our own ways. In relation to this, I have another EEI co-worker who has influenced me in a way. He is into spiritual/enlightenment philosophy. I remember he posted something like "If you feel pain, that is because you see it as a drop of water in a glass. See it as a drop of water in the ocean." Be an ocean. Really powerful that changes your mindset. As I said before, search knowledge and you decide which is for your own good. You can also find wisdom in the parables, fables and other ancient texts.

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