Tuesday, April 21, 2015

These days (13)

David vs Goliath
I think this was a debate. Goliath with all his armor probably was a feared debater. While David was a beginner. The pebbles or rocks that he used suggests he has good foundation with knowledge that is why he hit Goliath in the forehead. Then David used Goliath's sword meaning he used Goliath's own argument to defeat him.

Remember the scene when half of the bus skidded to a cliff and Walker I think has to go out of the end of the bus, climb on top of it and run to safe ground? They completely copied the video game Uncharted 2! Tsk tsk tsk

Okay I have said this as my favorite subject. Just remember soh, cah, toa rules for right triangles. SOH means Sine angle equals to opposite length over the hypothenuse length, CAH means Cosine angle equals to adjacent over hypothenuse, TOA is Tangent angle equals to opposite over adjacent. This is easy to memorize and serves as a guide. With a right triangle, you already have a 90-degree angle. For other triangles, you trace a right triangle to divide it and break it down. For more complex problems you listen to your math professors and research math books by yourself or join study groups.

All races have good and bad people. All religions as well. That is why we have to pick the good things and rid of the bad. And we have levels of understanding - babies, toddlers, adolescents, adults and the elderly.There are babies that cry and cry, they do nothing but cry because they are still innocent. Toddlers cry a lot as well but can understand simple regulations. Adolescents they still cry but have understanding. Adults are the ones who understands and do what is good and get rid of the bad though they also cry occasionally. The censorship to the internet must be strictly enforced. Like this blog for example is intended for adolescents, adults and the elderly. I can never emphasize enough the value of censorship. The family as the smallest unit of society they must enforce it in their homes. I am really glad that I see heads of the family leading his own flock. My idea is to give free newspapers to the poor so that we can educate the ignorant. Let me be extremely clear on this - the levels of understanding is regardless of your age.

Limiting the vocabulary
Whats happened to our vocabulary. Man people of today give new meaning to gatorade, by, bike, bicycle, mic, microphone, mike, singing, kneeling and etcetera. This is the fault of these dirty minded people. Repent you sinners. By the way, sometimes its unfair that ugly people gets called perverts while they refer to lookers as open-minded.

When writers cannot think of something to write, or at least worthwhile they refer to it as a writer's block. Or they simply ran into a brick wall. Times like this, I think one must read other materials to have inspiration. I mean most of detective novelists of today, they derive inspiration from writers as far back as in the 20s. You know the hard-boiled crime novelists pioneers. When I compared the materials its like they copied 75%. Not that I am faulting them. At our age and time, everything must have come from something. Its like constant innovation and evolution. Like the airplanes and cars and racing, the makers observed the birds. And the wind mechanics and ergonomics involved in jet and cycling formations or its effect on the design of vehicles.

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