Saturday, April 4, 2015

Eye for an eye

I like to look people in the eye. Its like seeing their soul. A lot of problems can be solved if people see each other eye to eye. When they do not, conflicts arise. They become hot or cold. Looking at people makes them confident, gives them courage and self-esteem, People however small they are wanted to be recognized. They have their stories to tell as well. When I was in Singapore, I talked to this random chinese and he says Singapore is a small country that is why they have their Air Force base in Taiwan. I did not see the importance to check its veracity. Some will make tantrums. Some will be stubborn. Like this Vietnamese worker in our hotel project. He insists on wearing their traditional hat but in the end he obeyed because the hard hat is for his own good. I know what its like to be invisible. I was in a place where the eye does not see. (Avatar quote). If we go back in Egyptian mythology, the eye of Osiris is very prominent. I guess Osiris and his wife Isis see each other eye to eye that is why they were the origin of human civilization. The eye brings good luck to people. See the fortune of Henry Sy. Trust me its the truth!

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