Sunday, April 5, 2015


I do not think there will be absolute peace. Or else we will be robots, obeying authorities all the time. We have free will that is why conflicts happen when you have different opinions. Consequently it becomes conflicts within countries and between countries. If the world police like the U.N. can control major wars then we will have lasting peace generally speaking. Like the gray hair. It is also like with sinning. I believe we can still be righteous and still commit sin. Its human nature to sin. Bad thoughts are sins already. As long as you do not grave sins. But when it comes to the heart, you believe there is absolute? Maybe I am not mature enough to judge these things. Maturity cannot be measured with age. Being mature also means being disciplined. With people watching your every move, you become disciplined. That kind of discipline that you now do like a reflex action. This is what I want to happen to corrupted people. Why continue harassing honest to goodness citizens when there are people who are worth watching 24/7? It is hard to discipline yourself. Even if you know the problem. People can remind you to be disciplined. And you will be accountable to them. That way you will be more obliged to do the activities. But these are just words. Actions speak louder than words. If I do something this way and then I walk the opposite way then call me a fool. People deserve the truth however painful it may seem. The truth sets us free. And happy. Read parables and fable folks, you will learn more wisdom there than in this blog.

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