Sunday, April 5, 2015

In the beginning

As an engineer, I supervise the site activities and coordinate with the Architect, Designer and Owner as well as contractors, sub-contractors and workers. So I would guess in the construction in outer space, the workforce will be similarly patterned. The site will be evaluated for its existing conditions, then we come up with activities like demolition of existing structures, clearing, survey and etcetera. Planning and auxiliary departments will also be necessary. In planning you use the Autocad. You have to switch on the computer first then click on the program. From there you can draw the lines, circle and etcetera to create your drawing. In applying to the bigger plan, just wondering if the universe also has a power source. Then that makes the universe a sort of 3D blueprint? An advanced computer program? or a video game like Sims Earth 112007-08 A.D.? There's this theory of an expanding universe. You can also expand the Autocad plan as well as contract and erase and edit. You can also make layered plans. Like the theory of parallel universes? Deja vu is like made by the designer of Final Fantasy who has the character Cid in all their games. Something like that haha. It means there has to be an actual construction site which is entirely a different world so to speak? Am I making sense?

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