Sunday, April 26, 2015


This is a citronella plant, I get it last weekend. You see the plant is a natural insect repellent. It functions like a smoke bomb. It fills the air with a quite pleasant smell that is why mosquitoes will have difficulty in locating the smell of human blood. Three or four days the plant looks like it might die. Most of the leaves dried out. What I did was to cut all the dried leaves so that nutrients can go to other parts. I also did not forget to water it and give it sunlight. The photo above is taken minutes ago. Many greens have sprouted. Looks like it will thrive in the conditions. I think its because it has strong roots, has good soil aside from the water and sunlight it gets. The dried leaves I put in a container for its smell. The leaves symbolize that experiences whether good or bad, it teaches people. People must have a good foundation or knowledge growing up. With the right environment or neighborhood and further studies that will make them good citizens.  

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