Tuesday, April 7, 2015

These days (6)

The Godfather
People are arguing which one is better, The Godfather or The Godfather part 2. In the book, there is only one The Godfather and people should read it.

Jericho Rosales is big in Malaysia. I mean the love team Jericho and Christine. When I was eating on shops and of course with my language, the Indonesian/Malaysian waitresses would ask "Are you Filipino"? What happened to Jericho and Kristine? Whats the meaning of Pangako sa 'yo. They watch subtitled filipino tv series there.

We have a project in Roxas Boulevard before and we use call signs in radios. I was Adventure, while others are Ranger, Odyssey, Camry, Shelby and etcetera. A new engineer joined us and was assigned Cooper. Of course sounds like Koopal, an endearing Filipino term. Needless to say, we had a fun time about it, calling Koopal on the radio.

The Greys
The Greys, you know the little alien guys with little arms and legs. Because of couch potatoes, food are tablets and injections, the arms and legs of people became insignificant and shrunk. And proportionally other bodily parts and organs. Also we have the mental telepathy to do some work. Evolution in 112007 A.D. date I mentioned before. Just having wild imaginings.

Rescued cat
I rescued a cat once or thought I did. Seen it wincing in pain. Probably got stepped on. Kept it in my room and for two days I went back on lunchtime to feed it. I guess she's doing well now.

Cats and dogs
Just sharing my experience, not supposed to have other meanings. We have dogs and cats before. There's Whitie cause he is white obviously, we were surprised at the flag ceremony that the dog was there looking for us. Then Brownie another dog is brown, how imaginative. Dog was a she I guess and she was my pet. Then we have the cat Sammy or Sammyboy, a persian cat who is low maintenance. Tobey is a siamese cat and multi-awarded in cat shows. He has around 7 trophies I think. I think dogs are easy to please while cats are moody.

Picking a course
Chemistry was favorite subject in h.s. then Trigonometry in college. Would have taken Chemical Engineering but my father said Civil Engineering is what suits me. Of course I passed the board exam and all but its not what I want. And I did not know then. Again this is for anyone reading that you should not command people into something they do not like. Otherwise they will regret it their life. People respect you for being honest.

Jean Valjean
I love the musicale. I bet you guys know the story. I have this idea that people from all over the world collaborate into making a version. Lets say this person will sing 4 lines, another one with 4 lines and so on. You be the director of your lines. Then I think an editor can paste them all in one world version. I'd really like that.

Talking to people
Much much better than a keyboard. The internet is an impersonal device. The emotions, the sound and the face of people - you cannot replace that. With all the technology, we must not forget the lessons of the ancient people. There is wisdom in those books so search them and learn from them. People at the station are always in a hurry. At what purpose. Would have liked talking to those guys. But I get intimidated by rich people so i don't know. I have the security guards for company though. Guards were my teammates in bowling tournaments when I was a kid. Talking of talking, there's this random old vendor in the corner of the street. Then recently he doesn't come anymore. A middle-aged man replaced him. I still remember his face but all I have is small talk with him. That is life.

I know you guys just want me to remember things. Its really unfair but I'll play along. I don't have anything else to do cause i'm a bum. There's two times that I thought I would die. First on the beach, I don't know how to swim but I walked from waist-high into deeper waters. A wave rushed in and water was on the level of my nose. I tried to walk back but the sand only pushed me farther. I dunno, suddenly I was able to walk back in safe level. Haha got you, i'm not joking. Secondly, I was sitting in a bench in our kitchen. The rear of our house back then was a farm. I went outside and looked back to where I sat. There was a snake in my previous place, it got in from an open jalousie windows. Our old neighbor killed it and said it was poisonous so I was fortunate there.

Third eye
When I was young, I ran into an immobile jeepney at the roadside that left me with a scar on the forehead. I read that that is also the location of the pineal gland and as I read they refer to it as the third eye. Seems there is a connection between a strong force applied to the forehead that has caused all these. Before the accident my grades in school were poor to satisfactory but since then my marks improved drastically upward. Although I have no medals in elementary and high school, but I was always near the top ten in class of about 40. Maybe scientists can study this so that maybe, could help the world. It would be dangerous applying this a person but maybe medical practitioners can think of a safer way. I cannot predict immediate occurrences apparently because I be rich by now. I win some, lose some in sports betting. Although I would say there are strange coincidences which I cannot explain.

Exercise routine
Get yourself a copy of the Navy Seals workout, its an exercise routine mostly using parts of your body as weights. I usually perform push-ups, pull-ups and crunches at least twice a week. In push-ups you have the regular, triangle, wide and the dive bomber. Count goes 1-2-1, 2-4-2, 3-6-3 and so on. Go as your body allows it.

I have always been afraid of ghosts. That feeling that someone is out there. Sometimes I cannot sleep just looking in the corner of my eyes. Looking, expecting for something that was not there as I found out later. Even in video games, like the Silent Hill. Of course the soundtrack is awesome but as far as the game is concerned, I cannot stand it. Just can't play it.

Why babies cry
They miss the comfort of the womb where they are comfortable. But as a natural progression, babies have to be born. They have to adjust to the real world. Babies and infants cry from about 2 to 4 hours. Reasons are sleeplessness, hunger or they feel hot or cold. You have to amuse them, bring them outdoors and talk to them face to face. As I read from a magazine.

On the way to Bicol
The time I ride 11-hours in a bus. I saw several buses burned down along the way. Probably the NPA, I did not care to find out. As we go to our destination, it became dark soon. The blackest black I have seen in my life. Believe me this was in a very remote area and the roads are rough. I can't see a thing because there were no lampposts and the driver did not put the lights on. Scary but there's this adrenaline rush I cannot explain.

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