Sunday, April 19, 2015

Things i miss

I miss my older brother. He is still here but not the same as before. When we were younger, sometimes we talk overnight talking and laughing about silly things. He is quite talented in writing love letters and classmates would go to him for it. You know as you grow older, you drift apart. Sometimes you have different interests. Sometimes insecurity does that. I don't know. Things change. I miss my childhood. I have sort of posse back in my hometown. When we came to Manila, its different. Its difficult to have relations when your roots are being pulled all the time. Okay here's one silly tip from my brother. He likens a girl to a rooster with its foot fastened to a rope which is tied to a peg. He says you let the rooster run rings around the peg, then you can get the rooster when the rope becomes shorter. Nonsense don't you think? How to tie up the rooster in the first place when its running free? Think of the Rocky scene.

I just remembered the writings from Sun Tzu, he says if you have inferior artillery then make it appear that you have heavy firepower. In the same manner, if you have heavy arsenal, you just do not show it. Meaning have an ace hidden in your sleeves. Or be a snake I guess. What kind of advice is that? Diversionary tactics, the way of the ninja. Related I think to quality versus quantity. Because sometimes, less is more and more is less. Some people may not be the best talkers but they connect to people just as well. And how can you lose with the combination of quality and quantity.

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