Thursday, April 23, 2015

About my diet

Eat like a king in the morning, a prince at noon and a peasant at night. I follow this code as much as I can. This means you have to take in large amount of food at the break fast. What it does is push the food to the intestines and the digested material there will be pushed also until it sees daylight. A spectrum of dull colors from black to yellow. Knowing this you have to get up early so that you can answer nature's call. Unless you want to gamble and unleash the wrath at your office toilet if you are a working person. The meat takes longer to digest compared to vegetables. Vegetables are light on the stomach. I usually take less and less of rice cause it breaks down into sugar. If you are an athlete and you need energy then you eat rice cause you can burn the calories. However if you are a couch potato and you eat lots of rice then that is the reason why you are obese or big tummy. Yup thats the indication you are getting fat, your belly. After the belly, your face will puff up. But when you lose weight, its also the belly that gets affected first before your face. That is why sometimes your body is but your face is chubby. Its a process. About sodas I know they have sugar as well but for me, I take it in moderation. If an expert can convince me that sodas bad for the health then I can discontinue drinking it. Corn on the cob and sodas are a nice combo. I think you can have mini-snacks also depending at the food I said earlier, vegetables digest faster. And finally you eat less at night. Because if you eat some more, your body will be further inconvenienced having to digest all that food. Lets say compare the body to a factory. At night time, its not your regular workforce and often times we just close the operations at night. What I mean is that you will sleep more comfortable if you have less food in your stomach when you sleep. With regards to fruits, we have what we call the "superfruits" which includes mango, kiwi, berries and many more. Apparently mangoes are best sources of vitamins and minerals. When it comes to strawberries you see the seeds, you must grind them with your teeth so that vitamins will be released as well. There's this office-mate of mine who read my notes about this and followed it religiously. Whenever there are meeting or get-togethers or occasions, that person refused to eat rice and focused on the dishes only. Which irritated all of us. What a douche. Rice gives you energy fool. However compared to bread, it seems that breads have the growth hormones. The West is taller than rice-eating Asians. Although we can see the effect of western diet in Asia nowadays. Asians are getting taller. Combo of rice and bread does that.

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