Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Personal hygiene

Growing your hair
For those balding people, take this advice. Mix equal parts of ground cinnamon, honey and olive oil added to warm water and apply to the bald area. It works cause I have tried this mixture. This is people with thinning hair at the sides for example. However if your case is hopeless, I suggest you have it shaved all the way. You apply this to your face as the grits smoothen the face. You can also drink it, definitely cause the ingredients are edible although I don't know what exactly what it does to the body. Word of caution though. For girls who might try this, you might grow facial hair which is not attractive at all.

Something I noticed with fingernails and toe nails. When you walk a lot, your toe nails grow faster than when you are idle couch potato. Same thing happens if your fingers are busy, like when when you are typing everyday. It may be that you are just busy but I have observed it many times. Okay I know this might not be ground-breaking and all but just something to talk about.

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