Tuesday, April 14, 2015

These days (11)

Perks of being attractive
Lets admit it, attractive people get ahead most of the time. Because maybe people they associate attractiveness with goodness. And sometimes that is correct. And sometimes not. But what really matters is beauty inside. Sounds like bull I know. You become good inside by studying. That is why I cannot stress enough the importance of education. Without education, you will not realize that people have dominion over animals. A simple experimentation will prove that. Say talk to the animal and ask "1+1=___".

People do this a lot. Are you that insecure that you have to mention someone popular to be accepted by society or peers? I am friends with this guy, I ate with this guy, I went to this place, I rub elbows with this celeb and so. Actually almost everyone I meet who graduated from U.P. will always, at one time or the other, will say "When I was in U.P.,...." What is the root of this phenomenon? Tell me, I'm all ears. What I can say is that if you are confident and have the brains to back it up, then name-drop all you can. But if not, its a shame to your university. That goes for all unis I guess. :)

Sports betting
There's this Indian parable titled Blind Men and an Elephant. These blind men touched an elephant in different parts. One who touched the tail says Elephant is a rope, one touched the trunk and says it is a branch of a tree, one touched who touched the belly say it is a wall and so on. People will see what they wanna see. But what people should realize is to see the big picture. See the whole elephant. Lets say in a boxing match, why would you search and trust words from a 'wizard' when experts abound there? Honestly this is limiting my vocabulary because I have to review every word and phrase. What I have here is a guide, kind of like the Bible. Trust the boxing and basketball experts for the evaluations.

The blazers
VC is my main man in the NBA but when it comes to a team, hands down its the Portland Trailblazers. Something about the railways logo. Clyde Drexler, Jerome Kersey, Steve Smith, Kevin Duckworth, Arvydas Sabonis, Guaransheed, even Scottie Pippen played there. I occasionally watch them since those days so I am familiar with some like Roy, Aldridge and Batum but these days, not that much. They say the Lillard kid is that good, looks to be true from the clips I have seen.

My beef with beef
Man is to have dominion over plants and animals. Worshiping animals is against the Bible. And there is only one truth. All these ancient texts agree with each other. They have mis-understood and allowed animals to have dominion over them. What do you feel being governed by animals? I must say some people have the intelligence and its up to them to educate their people, from babies, toddlers, adolescents, adults and the elderly. I mean people have different levels of understanding.

Before the waking hours
Not sure on the exact title but the book's a collection of pictures taken in the city before sunrise. So one time I went to feel what is like to roam the streets when everybody is asleep. There is silence, calm and peace. Next time I will take shots. Which brings me to another point. Why aren't people looking forward to the sunrise? Most will say the sunset it is romantic blah blah. For me it is the opposite. Sunrise gives hope, energy and progress. It sets the tone for the day. You will get more activities done if you rise early. Not saying that people work more hours, I'm saying get things done early so you can relax early as well.

My favorite X-Men character, his touch charges up energy to any material which explodes when there is too much energy build-up. That is why he always wears gloves to avoid accidently injuring people. He also brings cards for use as shurikens.

There's this adrenaline rush when you drive fast. I have this Toyota Hilux issued to me as company car. You know the freeways in Malaysia are a long continuous stretch of road. I floored the gas to max speed of about 100mph. For professionals only hehe. Kids do not try this. My co-workers were scared of my driving since then.

Bill Gates
Read he visited the Philippines last week. I have a question. Sherlock Holmes has a brother named Mycroft. Kind of an eccentric guy with eccentric job and eccentric friends. Showed up two times in Holmes' novels. Okay is Mycroft the inspiration for Microsoft?

Sports and Entertainment
These are universal languages, an ice-breaker. For example there's this black guy from Africa in our workplace. He told me he plays football. Then I say you know Drogba. Believe me his eyes lighted up and we chatted some more about football. Next time I saw him he was sporting a Drogba jersey. One time at the tennis courts, I just met this elderly Italian guy. Name's Giuseppe. I told him I am a fan of Gabriela Sabatini who has beautiful one-handed backhand stroke. Of course she's a looker as well. He teached me how to serve later. When I was in Malaysia, like I said Indonesians/Malaysians would ask about Filipino TV shows. Freddie Aguilar's Anak is well-known there. Can't think of more stories this time. But it really is a good thing to open your eyes and see the world. You will influence them and be influenced by them. Essence of globalization. However as I say, keep the good practices and get rid of the bad. I would like to add some people in my twitter however I cannot figure how to unlock my account. I'm not techie.

The Fast and the Furious 7
I don't see why people get emotional with this film. Its funny and some scenes may be hilarious but I felt nothing about it. Seriously. When they showed the pictures from the past, I was like Yeah Okay. Or maybe I am just not a fan of the series that I cannot relate to it.

Ashes to ashes
Actually I seen the Chinese do this practice of ashes to ashes last week. The practice of cremating lifeless bodies is also biblical and scientific. Ashes to ashes it says there. And this helps the environment a lot. Putting bodies in coffins is an absurd way of practicing ashes to ashes. Also you see cemeteries just crowd the cities. The soul leaves the body upon death, you cannot do anything for their souls in the cemetery. Waste of time and space. You want to remember them, then make them proud. Lead a good life that will add to their legacies. Ashes dilutes into the ocean and eventually it joins the dirt. This is even better than having ashes in jars or burying it in land. Thumbs up.

Lets talk about zodiacs although I been talking about it already in previous posts. I am a Piscean and as a water sign I am sensitive as the water takes place of whatever container it is poured into. Like other water sign like Scorpio and Cancer I guess. But the difference I think is like the skin of the fish is soft, meaning they are easily amused and of course easily hurt as well. It shows. Unlike Scorpio and Cancer which have hard shells to cover whatever they are feeling. Inside of these shells are soft meat. Sagittarius I told you already, they want to run wild until they be tamed by a horse whisperer. Taurus is a hard-worker definitely represents the bull family and stubborn but can be controlled when a rope is inserted into their nose and pulled to obey. Leos are lions, the king of the jungle. I read ancient people picks people born under this sign to be leaders. For the other signs, have to know more people of their signs to make observations.

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