Saturday, April 18, 2015


I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken! 
I know more of this world than you can even dream. That is why I must destroy it!
You puny humans! - Apocalypse from X-men 

I did tell you that suppose these "christians" are story-tellers, with their imagination they concocted stories about Jesus. Also I told you that the writers possibly want to change their names as is not uncommon in today's novelists. Any more questions? I give you an example. When you read these Bible stories about in prison, in dungeon or in chains, its like in a Richard Marx song, "Girl, you've got to break these chains around my heart, 'Cause I've been lonely too long, You've got to break these chains around my heart, So I can finally get on with my life". No, not necessarily about me, just an example.

And the commandment is go and multiply, why are people being hypocrite and hide celibacy in their long gowns. Come on, you are not following God's will. I told you Jesus married, that is implied in the Bible because as authors, they will keep on writing. In view of privacy, my best guess is that he used an alias just like the Katipuneros and writers at the century turn. But do not confuse, this commandment to pro-create without regard for the well-being of the off-springs. We have babies, toddlers, adolescents, adults and the elderly. This command is for adults who understands what it is to be parents. Do not reproduce beyond your means. What we want is for smart people to reproduce smarter children. See related posts.

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