Sunday, April 12, 2015

These days (9)

I hate gays
Burn in hell. When you hear insidious insinuations from them you cannot help but be disgusted! Its like you are eating and suddenly your appetite is lost. I had a stomach ache one time when this gay man comes out of nowhere and sat directly across me and watched me eat. Go away. Only one man and one woman should be a couple.

To be clearer
There has to be a censorship of gay men according to their aggressiveness, calling the mtrcb. This is what I would apply with my family so I am sharing this to you as my family. It would require constant vigilance with them around. Noontime TV shows are for general patronage, but there are gay men in it. What does this teach our children? Maybe they would not ask you about it but these people have already influenced them. Worse as having demons, they have these disgusting gestures to people of same sex. Believe me because gay men are hitting on me all the time so I know. We should spit at them if need be or reprimand them, or at least discourage them. Give them hell.

Is it open from 7am to 11pm? I would think so similar with 24/7.

Birds and eggs
I think I was a mischievous kid or just accident-prone I guess. One time in the market, the walkways were narrow and there was a shop selling crates of eggs. I bumped into it, guess I was not paying attention, and the columns of egg crates spilled to the ground. My mom has to pay for it and I got pinches for it. Another time, because we live beside a Petron gas station, there were birds resting on top of the fluorescent lights at the perimeter walls. Me and my friends began to throw stones at it. Frustrated I gathered a handful and throw it to the birds. The birds flew and the lights were out. Got another pinching from it.

You see me and my brother we have so many stories together. One time the guidance counselor asked me to go to the bathroom because apparently my brother made a mess in there. He was like 8 years old that time. So i went to the bathroom and I saw his works. Michaelangelo painted brown in the three walls. He told me, "Sira ata pork and beans". (must be the pork and beans).

At the FEU
Okay so this brother of mine asked me to go to FEU to bring something to a professor there. The professor was to go abroad to my brother's location so my brother asked me to get some flavoring for french fries which wasn't available there. I easily located the room number and to my surprise, the walls are of clear glass, the whole class looked at me and to their professor. He was a gay man! Hilarity ensues. Maaaaan tsk tsk tsk. :((

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