Friday, April 17, 2015

These days (12)

Reviewing films
I also make film reviews when I feel like it:
I was able to watch Inception again last weekend. The film has an ambitious and unbelievable premise – that some people can influence others by simply tapping into their unconscious minds. It gets crazier when they attempt to influence a dream within a dream within a dream when Di Caprio’s character rescued the japanese. When the Japanese people see this, they would view that Americans are trust-worthy and you can depend on them even to the ends of the earth. Now, that is where real influencing comes in.
Ever since i heard the soundtrack of Interstellar in YT several months ago, i was already looking forward to the movie. The music evoked emotions of excitement, fear, love and hope. And i'm glad the soundtrack mirrored the film. 5/5 stars.
With the movie set at time when Dirt plagues the earth and discovering Gravity as the answer I somehow connected the story to the music industry which many consider as Dirt nowadays. A lot of recent songs also mention Gravity in their lyrics. For one Jordin Spark's No Air. Jordin sounds like Jordan. And Michael Jordan's jersey number is 23. In the movie, 23 years had elapsed when Cooper and Brand (McConaughey and Hathaway) returned to the ring-like space navigator where their shuttle docked and the black man was there waiting. I think this was from their first expedition (Miller's planet?). Ok silly thought maybe but that was the first thing that entered my mind.

Daenerys is a snake
Not a dragon or targaryen. Before you read further, this contains a spoiler so you can stop reading now. I have read the five novels of A Song of Ice and Fire by GRRM, with the Game of Thrones the first book. So in Esos, if I remember correctly, where Daenerys is traveling and gathering troops, she arrives in a city and became interested in a very loyal and capable army known as the Unsullied. The governor of the city meanwhile is interested in one of the dragons so a deal was made. After the deal was made, Daenerys, who already has command of the Unsullied, who I mentioned, are very loyal, she commanded the Unsullied to arrest the governor and she captured the whole city with the trained Unsullied. Not fair. I don't why the author GRRM does that, if you remember Jaime Lannister who was sort of the main man there, he suddenly cut his arm. He sort of become an invalid. How can he continue to be a swordsman? This author is cruel. Like when he let that butcher decapitate the character of Sean Bean, who's the the father of sansa and arya. Arya will later on become somewhat a buddhist and an assassin. My favorite place there is the Eyrie where they have the moon door. The Eyrie is located couple of miles up the valley so the moon door is some kind of where they throw people as death execution. And liken this novels like X-Men set in the medieval time. But the author is kind of slow in writing. Many fans are worried he might not finish the stories. Talk about being pressured. Maybe he is just copying from the anime Naruto. Going back to Daenerys, I remember this parable wriitten by Senator Juan Flavier about a snake and a farmer. You see this farmer raised this snake from a baby. Fed it and cared for it and stuff. But one time, the snake bit him. The farmer asked why. The snake said, "I'm a snake, its my nature". What I mean with this. Maybe its like with the zodiac where the characteristics and traits of animals are like with the person.

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