Thursday, April 2, 2015

These days (5)

Tennis talk
Its only recently that I learn how to play the game, though I have the racket bought for awhile now. Going in the tennis courts of Palau by myself, I get quizzing looks from the regulars of the place. That was awkward and jittery. I spent my time walling alone that day. The next day I have someone taught me the basics of the game and mentors poured in as I go to place regularly. In the end, I am still learning while I been also teaching some kids how to play.

Color-coded tax cards
I think the lawmakers should give this a thought. Its like what U.P. is doing to their students - they evaluate the income of the family and based their tuition fee on it. In a bigger scale, evaluating incomes of a family or individual, putting them in brackets and then basing the amount of taxes from there. Richer people will be taxed more than the poor. People get what is due them. I think that is fair enough because some people have riches that can last them five lifetimes. I just remembered this being done already hahaha although execution or enforcement is another thing.

Noise barrage
You know videoke has been a notorious disturbance in this part of the world. On occasions like birthdays and etcetera, people would rent karaokes usually for three days then go on singing until about 3a.m. Of course nothing wrong with singing if they do it in their homes but with loud speakers? How can you focus on reading or studying if the noise is rumbling you like an incoming train?

Just like going to mass and partaking of the body of christ, there is a time for studying and there is a time for rest. These are all metaphors. Christ or Jesus is the image of God which is knowledge and we the followers of Jesus were created in His image. It means we are designed to strive for knowledge. I think that is exactly what Hollywood, the comics and anime world are doing - having cool nerds as superheroes like Spider-man, Superman, Batman, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Naruto, Detective Conan and etcetera. And like in foods, you must have variety or like watching different genres of films, music, the arts. Its important you avoid or filter what you have seen. What I usually do on my RnR is play on my ps3, yet to upgrade though. The graphics in God of War 3 is just awesome. That scene when Kratos uses Helios' severed head to light the dark. Outstanding stuff.

The hate
I do not hate gays as a person. It is what they do that makes them disgusting. As I said they have demons. But there are also classification of demons. The demons in the females are the weaker ones. Some you can cast out of the women while some you cannot. You can have tolerance with these lesbians because they are reserved and quiet. Most of them actually. Remember you have senses to filter the good words or opinions from the bad. The male homosexuals are the ones with the worst demons because they are expressive in their PDA. Some of them are the worst kind, harassing both men and women openly with their dirty tongues. And these are the ones I think should be monitored 24/7 by the police.

Washing of the feet
The Bible is guide for living, feet symbolizes the way you live your life. When it has become soiled, cleanse it by living a clean life.

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