Thursday, April 2, 2015

The War on poverty

Poverty begets ignorance. As I roam the streets today I saw many beggars. Some are family of beggars. The parents sleep on cartons, d-i-y carts while the unfortunate children probably aged 3,4,5 years old are playing. Had they enough education, they would be doing worthwhile things instead of having sex as a hobby. I also saw many Foot Spa shops open and was having vigorous commerce. The attendants must be paid quite handsomely. At this rate I think the poverty in education sets back the Philippines about 20 years. That is generally speaking but few people actually get it.

It is seldom that a trend of consciousness comes from a humble origin so this is why I think the USA and Europe, being more open minded people, should become trend-setters as what they have been doing. The rest of the world will follow. You can imagine how people can be so fanatical with something.

As I have said, the Bible is a guide for healthy living and if you read other religious texts they are full of wisdom as well. Like when the Pharisees said it is rest day according to traditions and regulations. Jesus said he is the Lord of the Sabbath or rest day. He means you can do whatever you want any time. But religions have put people on the octagon so to speak. You can't go to malls because they are closed. No learning during these days when every day should be a learning day.

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