Monday, June 15, 2015

The Night's Watch

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."
―The Night's Watch oath
"According to legend, the Night's Watch was founded 8,000 years ago.[2] They now protect the Seven Kingdoms from threats beyond their northern border, such as White Walkers, wildlings and giants."'s_Watch

I think we can also learn things from fiction stories like the ASOIAF aka Game of Thrones. So here are people who are not allowed to marry and protect other people from the White Walkers, wildlings and giants.

I think the Night's Watch refers to educated gay people who will follow the teachings of the Bible who will not marry, discipline themselves and discipline other people.

Problem is they are different from The Unsullied cause The Unsullied are select few from the Essos continent and are brought up with strict allegiance to the Bible. Discipline might be a problem for the Night's Watch.

So I think The Night's Watch should be watched and disciplined also by the Westeros police.

I guess I ruined the mood of many die-hard Jon Snow fans here and that fatso. The equation R+L=J is quite remote now that Jon Snow is dead.

So for me I think Daenerys has the inside track to the Iron throne. The Lannisters are gone. I think the youngest Stark, the one in Skagos Island can have more character development so he can be a threat to the dragon lady. Tommen if I remember correctly is the one in the Iron throne but seems to grow into brainless leader. The struggle in the Iron islands is quite exciting also. The one who emerges as leader there will battle for the Iron throne as well as the lady from Dorne. Lemme know your theories guys.

Darth Vader says I am your father to Luke Skywalker. This is consistent with the Bible that the black people are first humans. You might be surprised but this is what evolution is all about. When black people went to East Asia, most probably they stayed at the mountains. The fierce winds makes their eyes smaller and smaller.

I feel like I disappointed you guys. You deserve better posts than this. At this point, I think I'll park my pen from the meantime. Just read back on the posts and hope you find the answers there. Til next time.

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