Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Five Senses

Taste buds are mainly located in the tongue, others in the mouth. The tongue is a double-edged sword because the it can be sweetest sound you hear or the dirtiest. Likewise if you use it for unintended purposes. The tongue is one of the dirtiest part of the body literally because of the bacteria it collects and when you put it where it shouldn't be (like the woman's weak vessel), it causes harm to people you love. See related posts:
When it comes to food, Exodus 12:8 talks of eating fire-roasted meat, bread and bitter herbs. Bitter herbs would be salads I guess.

The sense of touch is distributed throughout the body. It talks about the influence you can make to people. The fingers are like the mouth when you text or surf the internet. The arms and feet are like the good work you do or the way you lead your life. It does not matter whether your influence is big or small. What matters is the difference you make to the people you meet. Reminds me of an Eddie Murphy film.

The eye is the organ of sight. We have eyelids to protect the eye from the dust or other materials that can harm the eye. Like we should avoid porn and smut magazines because it corrupts us and distracts us from the good word. When it comes to clothes, its better for me that women dress like moslems. People can already imagine what is underneath it so why expose it. Better to reserve it for their loved ones. However I can understand how some people show some skin to be comfortable or in some occasions or events.

The ear is the organ of hearing. We have hairs called cilia to filter the dirt that goes into the ear. It accumulates into a wax that should be periodically cleaned because it affects our balance. Notice how boxers get stunned when boxed in the ears. That is symbolic that we should hear the good word or knowledge and filter the voices of the corrupted people, if not altogether avoid it. To be clear, not saying boxing or other contact sports are bad. I think there is science to it and will talk about it another time.

The nose is the organ responsible for the sense of smell. Like the ear, the nose has hairs to filter the dirt when you inhale oxygen and becomes hard mucus. Farts are like the most disgusting smells there is but when you smell your own fart, its become one of the sweetest smells in the world. What does that mean? I don't know either. Maybe you guys ought to smell your own farts.

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