Wednesday, March 25, 2015

These days

Title is a rehash from my old blog. Basically where I write random events and thoughts from the day. If you wanna check it out, feel free to do so. --->

Just thought I'd see the ending scene where Tony scans his monitors and prepares for the attack. Tony and his gang tried to fight back but the mob is just overwhelming with numbers. Tony wears a bullet-proof vest I guess because he took the gun hits quite well. Then a man wearing shades armed with a sawed-off shotgun shoots him in the back. Most probably no person would survive that shot at close range.

Destructive Weapons
In a report from Fox News, there was a Claymore Mine exercise at a coffee plantation and it proved to work 180 degrees from a range of 15 meters. Theory suggests it works 360 degrees but cannot be verified at the moment. Meanwhile an experiment for a newly-developed small heat-seeking missile suggests deadly range up to 60 meters.

A Recurring Dream
I was born in Palawan but I grew up in Marinduque, a heart-shaped island located at the center of the Philippines. I have a recurring dream from about 10 years ago that I was climbing the steps of my old school Immaculate Conception College. It is known as St. Mary's College nowadays. Usually a tricycle would bring me and my siblings to school.

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