Monday, March 30, 2015

Chasing the black gold

I have always wondered where the oil in the Middle East came from. I believe oil is from God. And God is science and evolution as well. In the beginning the word or knowledge was with God. Then they created animals whether big and small. And then He created Adam, he was to have dominion over animals. Logic says he cannot co-exist with the dinosaurs and other huge hunters so I guess these animals were long gone by the time Adam was created. Remember God is infinite, one day is same as one month or one year or a million years for Him. The theory of relativity. The seven days of creation is just symbolic. All these animals were created for man. At the time, Earth as suggested by experts is a huge mass of land. Just a thought, the blood and the remains of these ancient creatures and plants combined with the elements and was subjected to extreme pressures and extreme temperatures to what makes up the oil deposits. Like the process of turning coals into diamonds takes millions of years. If I would make an expedition to locate an oil deposit, I would look for a huge land mass for purposes of finance, politics and science. Absolutely not a place of over 7000 islands where there is very little to non-existent proof of pre-historic life. What people are searching for might be sitting right in their own backyards. Think man.

Woolly Mammoth Unearthed By Oil Workers In Siberia

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