Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One Republic

Malaysia has a unity campaign called the One Malaysia and I thought our country could use the slogan. One Philippines. Malaysia is composed of malays, chinese and indians and also by religion Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. Despite altercations, the bottom-line is they make it work. I can just marvel at their concrete-grouted mountain sides on the country-side highways to prevent erosion as compared to the scary-looking road shoulders going to Subic. Probably the division of the Philippines can be illustrated by the number of islands. Remember more than 300-years of Spanish rule and we had about 200 revolts? My opinion is that our forefathers did not set aside their differences for a common goal. About time to change our ideology.

The key I think is to build bridges figuratively though physically I think it may be feasible to connect Negros to Cebu and Leyte to Mindanao. For now we only have the San Juanico bridge joining two provinces Samar and Leyte. Bridges will benefit the middle to lower class because its an inexpensive way of traveling and influence the economy of the two provinces. So I say support the President and all the authorities. Organize and/or support good causes. Rally at a designated place at the right time. Clogging the roads with strikers just impedes the commerce and trade. Your voice and complaints can be heard in the elections and the right avenues. It may be little things like avoid jaywalking by walking an extra 100 meters. Do your part.

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