Monday, March 30, 2015

Sex and Well-being

My definition of sex is to procreate superior human beings while enjoying the pleasure that comes with it. I will be editing this post as I think of something. Going back to my very first post, that song by Louis Armstrong
 "I hear babies cryin'. I watch them grow.They'll learn much more than I'll ever know And I think to myself What a wonderful world."
The sperm and the egg cell
I believe the couple must abstain from sex until the female is ready. There is a monthly cycle for females so use that information. Note that there will be time that your female pets will be in heat. Animals do not have sex all the time. In abstaining from sex, I believe the sperm cells mature and develop. Same goes for the eggs. Survival of the fittest. That would make a superior human being. I have not read any research on this but I think its the law of nature. In addition to this, abstinence makes you sharp, physically and mentally strong and confident.

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