Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Coming of Age story

I believe these so-called disciples and early christians were like story tellers of that time. I'm a spin doctor and let's see how it goes if Jesus was a real person. I guess this would be a brief summary but I can elaborate at another time.

Upon birth, Jesus was given the gift of frankincense, myrrh and gold by the magis and I think they are symbols of intuition, logic and conscience. Jesus as a youngster debated with pharisees at the synagogues. Its same as a youngster chasing after women against older and more flashy rivals. So I guess Jesus won few debates he participated in but got his heart broken.

He went away bettering himself and when he was an adult, Jerusalem received him with palm leaves. He attracts people. He went on with his miracles. Making the blind see what is right and what is wrong according to knowledge and making the cripple walk and do deeds according to the good word. He also casted out demons from women although the demons from men are another thing. At one point, Jesus met a special woman. Yes I'm just making this up with intuition and logic and heart I guess.

The trials, embarrassment, and sacrifices Jesus had to endure with regards to his principles eventually led to his crucifixion or exposition. His mother and his supporters can only watch at a distance. The two criminals at his sides were like people playing good cop and bad cop with their opinions. At the end of the day, it's up to the woman to decide.

I really ought to teach at daycare, you know, telling stories to children.

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