Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Enlightened Ones

God is also known for other names - we can call God as the word, truth, knowledge, science and technology among others. Anything against these are against God. God says one man and one woman shall become one. Naturally adultery, concubinage, homosexuality and other forms of corruption are against God. In the old times, Jesus and his disciples were able to cast out evil spirits from people. Some are lesser types that intense stares will drive the evil spirits out. However there are stronger demons that are immune to staring. On the contrary they initiate the stare-down and most of them hit people aggressively. The Enlightened Ones should bring heat to these demons that they will behave at least like normal human beings and be productive despite their condition. Its like bringing hell to these people. Demons do their evil work in the dark because they are ashamed of what they do like thieves in the night. The Enlightened Ones should bring the evil works of Satan and his minions to the light and expose them.

Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? Two cities that are full of wickedness. Lot and his family fled to a tiny village but his wife looked back and turned to a pillar of salt.

Fleeing from Sodom and Gomorrah means doing away with the corruption and wickedness. By looking back, Lot's wife remembered corruption which would make her lust. This is comparable to Porn-watching. People must stop watching porn and for parents, its their job to censor whatever their kids are watching or surfing on the net.

The Bible is full of personification so one must not automatically interpret it literally. The Bible also has layered interpretations that sometimes there are more than one interpretation. Salt is a retarding agent meaning it delays the change in temperature of an object for a long period of time like hotness and coldness (means anger or coldness) so people should not look back on history and play the blame game. People must move forward. Think of two big cities and your guess is as good as mine. What is promising, encouraging and heart-warming is that there are hosts of Enlightened Ones who are bringing us to one direction.

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