Monday, March 30, 2015

These days (3)

Cross referencing
To cross reference books and other media that spread the good word, you have to trust your judgement to seek for knowledge (and God is knowledge) whether its from ancient times up to modern day novels and works. Literature is a source of wisdom, knowledge and entertainment. I read parables and fables sometimes. I used to follow the late senator Juan Flavier's articles in the Philippine Star, which were compiled into books. Will have to get them one of these days. I also read novels by Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, Jack Higgins, Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy, Harlan Coben, Lee Child (come on man, Reacher was supposed to be 6'5", just kidding) and many others. Too many to mention. And same goes for films, music and other forms of entertainment. Actually my blog title, Under the Same Sun is inspired by a song by the Scorpions.

Bolt and nut
It fits. One man and one woman. If you use the bolt in other holes it isn't designed for, the threading would deteriorate. Same goes for the nut. In the Bible:
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. 
They are weaker literally so husbands must be respectful, patient and understanding. As with another meaning, their reproductive organ is the weaker vessel so do not let corruption and wickedness take over you. See my previous posts --> and Makes sense, doesn't it? Bible is a guide for healthy living and I think the same for the Koran and other texts.

1 man 4 wives
That is in Islam but if I were to interpret this using the essence of the Bible, this is about a man studying knowledge and he has to cross reference other books to be clearer. Not to be taken literally in my opinion. I think the guide when you study the Bible, or other books for that matter, is that to take into consideration the three things I am reiterating - intuition, logic and heart. One woman is already a handful, what more if you have two or more? People should open their eyes to logic, science and technology to destroy established dogmas and traditions.

Violence in movies, video games
I am a gamer and RE4 is my favorite all-time. It involves killing people, zombies and other ungodly creatures. It did not make me a violent person. There's this documentary from Japan where they smash ceramic plates, vases, TV and other equipment as a release from tension. They even shoot darts at the picture of their bosses. I guess its the same with video games. But like all things, we should do things in moderation. In relation to this, how about the butchers who kills animals as a job? Do they get violent from seeing blood? I don't think so. In movies, both the good and the bad must be portrayed so that young people can differentiate. We have censorship boards to control the ratings. The parents must prepare their offsprings to be responsible adults. Be aware of what they surfing online. The secondary advisers would be the teachers, guidance counselors, adult relatives and the long arm of the media.

Porn is from the devil
Porn and smut magazines should be completely eradicated because its the machinery of demons. To rid of this, one must ask for God's help which means do what is according to the good word and knowledge. These evil machinery makes people insecure, weak and dumb. Avoid those websites, delete sex videos and burn smut magazines. Go out and do something worthwhile!

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