Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Picture Blog

Something about the unknown that makes you extra curious I guess. I've been to many provinces in Luzon whether work-related or for leisure so I can say your best-friends would be the malls, gas stations and fast-food shops where you can make a pit stop to refresh. Its okay to take pictures but not so much as to forget to enjoy the journeys. My out of the country travels includes Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, UAE and the Republic of Palau in Micronesia. My plan is to be a globe-trotter. I be editing this as time goes by.

This is my favorite F1 car, the jaguar. My brother is the more avid fan - he collects toy cars, posters and meets the F1 drivers but he is just starting to learn how to drive. That's what he says because I been telling him to learn driving and get a car of his own.

And this is my favorite track. Its difficult to overtake here because of the narrow road width. The expertise of the drivers are tested there with the hairpin, bends and straight roads.

Just a thought. What if the Peruvian government make this drawing into a race track. I'd love to drive there. They say it runs for kilometers and the width ranges from 1 to 10 ft which would fit a car. Also they found a layer of gravel topping the natural ground so definitely can made into a driving track. As I read now, there are writers back then who believed this was made for racing.

Thing with selfies is that sometimes you won't like your picture. This picture is quite okay, presentable I guess. The trick is to shoot as much as possible then select the best looking one. Don't apply to relationships though.

My cat Tobey, actually my brother bought him. But I have grown attached to this cat and vice-versa. When he was younger, he likes lofty places but as he grow older, he became grounded.

 The Petronas Twin Towers! Quite a romantic sight especially at night, you know, with moon, the stars and the clouds.

These chili peppers made my stomach rumble with heat especially the yellow one and I spent quite some time in the toilet.

Told you guys about the peppers. This is the toilet in Bangkok, on one of the street food corners. Call me weird but I usually take photos of toilets in whatever condition. Now that I think about it, why did I have the time to shoot when I should be shitting? haha

Baby cabbage!!! Need I say more. Really missed this.

You also learn tradition and culture from your travels that are amusing.

 Braised duck noodles, hot tea with pickled peppers.

The architecture of churches are something to behold as well.

Yup I am Superman, don't tell anybody. Got this idea from idol Jon Bon Jovi.

 Come on man, that's just breath-taking. This is at the Lost World in Ipoh City at Perak, Malaysia.

Met this friendly couple in Thailand and went to tour for two days. Stupid thing to wear Bangkok shirt in Bangkok, do not do this ever again. We dared each other to see a bar with nekked women. Did not happen. :D

Ancient stones in Palau. Maybe as old as the ones in stonehenge. Touched the stones to connect with the old folks. Nothing happened.

Fried Kuar teow or something like that. Barley drink.

Do you see it? Mr. Octo on the upper right corner. The islands in Palau are joined by bridges and you can see the corals of the ocean underneath where I shot this.

Time travel story, VC 15 being transported to the 15B.C. My idol Vince Carter of course wears jersey #15. I actually made a 16-page picture story about him doing a commercial but never got around to sending it via mail. Story goes he is dunking in practice when he suddenly warped into space. At 15B.C. ancient people are playing basketball-like game with a basket attached to a beam 15ft high. One of them throws a leather ball towards the basket. Looks like it will overshoot when Vince comes from nowhere, catches the ball in mid-air, does a windmill and finishes with a tomahawk dunk. Cheers were heard all over.

You can do this while in traffic jam. Make words or phrases using the three letters on the plate. In this case PPN - can be population, preparation, panthers piloting nissan and etcera. Saw this also in a suspense/horror film but I been doing this before I saw the film.

Do not mess with a praying mantis. Tiny guy won't back down. Really amazing stuff. I was sizing it with my safety shoes jabbing the air. It suddenly jumped and attached itself to my lower leg.

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