Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Good Word and Media

Media refers to TV, radio and print but today the Internet is all of them rolled into one. In the old times, the good word is passed by writings, word of mouth and songs. The disciples illustrated media during those times in the story of Jesus preaching but the numbers multiplied quickly. Luke the disciple talks of five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish that Jesus broke into pieces and they were able to feed five thousand people.

This is a throwback to the principles of journalism. As Spider-man says, "With great power comes great responsibility". The media must spread the good word which also means good values, right conduct, science, technology, the arts and etcetera. We must get rid of counter-productive issues and keep moving forward into progressive solutions.

The story of Jesus as told by his disciples is not unlike the movies of today I guess as we have many versions of vampire stories. In every point of history, there seems to be a prevailing theme as the literature will tell us.

Going back to Jesus, remember how he loves children. I can say with children you can be yourself. You do not have to pretend you are someone else. Let them play, actually I have seen this being done in Japan if I am not mistaken. Moving further, this is a symbolism of knowledge and the young mind. Its amazing what the generation of today has been accomplishing at their young age. They are like a sponge. I remember when I was in high school how easy it is for me to absorb what the teacher says. So I guess the adolescent stage is where the learning of the good word comes in.

I met an odd old woman in front of SM North Edsa last Sunday. She was oblivious to time, people and place while solving seemingly simple math problems in a yellow pad. If I remember correctly I saw her writing 5 + 2 = 7. Although it would indicate that she is capable of more complex operations cause I also saw 5 or more digits and more numbers scribbled all over the paper. My opinion is that there is a time and place for everything.

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