Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I Don't Get Obese People

It just pains me when I see obese people. Put them in the old times, they wouldn't survive an hour. Imagine them in those helmets and armor and vests in the front-line of battles. What I'm trying to say is that its not normal for people to be obese. Have anyone read that book "That One Fat Friend" or something like that? I have not. But I can assume its not pretty.

I'm not trying to make fun of these people. In fact my brother has grown obese (or big) and I often joked him about it. He reasoned that having large servings of food in the UAE made him grow fat. But in fairness to him, he is still agile when I last saw him and he says he does some running. My family has always been sporty type - my older brother once tried out for Mapua basketball coz he was an aggressive baller but he was too small. At 5'9" he can't play power forward at the college level and has no handles to be a guard. My kid brother meanwhile would run rings around the UST block with ease. The distance he runs would be comparable to a marathon. My younger sister although the bookish type, can surprisingly run fast according to her in P.E. classes. Me and my oldest sister would be the least athletic although I would call it the laziest.

So that's one reason for obesity. Laziness. Then splurging on those Eat-all-you-can promos and fast-food shops. Then being a couch potato watching TV or in the internet watching other lives unfold in their eyes and not having physical exercise. Get up your couch man and do some crunches, push-ups and pull-ups or learn in your community colleges. Have some green leafy vegetables. Sheeeeeesh. :((

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