Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Of Beers and Stuff

So ok I have this beer drinking spree going on, trying out some flavors which will get me dizzy enough to forget the melancholy that has enveloped me. More like beer tasting I guess. Asahi would be my choice as of the moment, while San Mig Lite comes in next. And yes, the beer tasting will continue adding Stella Artois and Brew Kettle (belgian) to the list.

But I digress, the reason I am writing about beer is that this made me think of the events in the Bible. You know, the famous wedding and the shortage of wine. Beer and wine are actually cousins, seriously. Story goes like the host was in a dilemma because they ran out of wine and he asks Jesus about it.  So Jesus went there and change water into wine. The guests were happy because they said the host saved the best wine for last and that it was not intoxicating. Must be carbonated water mixed with flavor, old-styled restaurants still mix it manually from what I seen in a travel show. There's also a beer with low alcohol content like the one they drink in the streets of Russia if I remember correctly. As I been saying, Jesus and God can be interchanged for technology. There was a time when Jesus as an adolescent was debating against Pharisees in the synagogues, after that the lost years of Jesus and then his return. There was a dark age in our history when technology was lost and it has come back.

This also goes for making the blind able to see again or making a cripple to walk again. They have the technology back then although in adolescent stage. The advancement in technology nowadays is amazing. I even see a medical procedure where a girl wants to be taller so she had that part between the knee and the foot cut off and then the doctors probably added bone to extend the leg. Really amazing.

I am also fond of the series Ancient Aliens and the History Channel. Ok go ahead and make assumptions, I do not care. They also showed there science-based opinion on how Jonah was taken inside a whale for three days. They said it could be some type of submarine. Search for the truth, people. Keep in mind your intuition, logic and conscience.

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