Thursday, May 28, 2015

What's in a name

Okay this is similar to the American Indians and their names. Like Dances with Wolves from the book of the same name. Also there are Stands with a Fist, Kicking Bird, Wind in His Hair and etcetera.

I'm just messing around so it is up to you what to make of these.

Let's take D-Wade again as example, he studied in Marquette, we can derive Mark and market, and small version of market is mart. So I just guess the descendant of early christian Mark, and a knight from Martinique.

Now Bill O'Reilly. O' means of, from, or son or descendant just like fitz and mac. So son of bill riles people. Billy the Kid comes to mind. Bill is also associated with money or benjamin so we say descendant of Benjamin son of Jacob and Benjamin Franklin.

Shaquille O'Neal. Shack kill oh kneel. And an immovable force in the paint. So an executioner in the Middle ages. Also very popular painter of the unknown. Pablo Picasso is what I think. And from the line of Paul the christian. 

Mark Cuban. He marks cubits, say a skilled worker who made the Ark of the covenant. And descended from Mark the apostle. See he knows D-Wade and Shaq.

Megyn Kelly. The Kelly File. Of Magi gone to Cali flies.

Ozzy Osbourne. Uzi submachinegun of Israeli design. Oz. Born in Israel dynasty of old.

Like I said, if your named after a great person, you were influenced by them. It depends on your status, line of work, your home, your family and etcetera to further scrutinize. It also puts emphasis if you have mac, mc, son, fitz, and O' in your name cause it means pertaining to or son or descendant.

Barack Obama. Baa baa black sheep Rock Over Ma. From the father of The Rock.

Michelle Obama. Me Shell Over Ma. Princeton. Protects the father of a Prince. Line of the King's knight.

Not sugarcoating at all, taken at face value. I won't be biased as to include candidates as I have written the criteria. You guys debate and decide and vote.

Paul McCartney. Cathartic. Kidney. Doctor from the line of Paul. His music is a drug for many people.

Ronda Rousey. Aaron The Rouser. Violent debater descending from Aaron.

Ellen DeGeneres. All-in The Genesis.

Steve Nash. Mavericks. Suns. Los Angeles. Stephen Gnash. Cowboy from Wild West, Stephen and the Angels.

Bill Gates. Microsoft. Mycroft brother of Sherlock. From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, bill as in the taxman Matthew.

Donald Trump. Donatello. Madonna. Trumpet. The Apprentice. From the leader of the trumpeters at the Jericho wall.

David Robinson. The Admiral. Spurs. David. Robin - Old Chinese fighting style. An admired and distinguished Chinese descendant.

Oprah Winfrey. Harpo. The Oprah Winfrey Show. Host. Offer. Win Free. Owner of ancient Roman coliseum who has gladiators fighting to win to be free. Plays the harp as an offering to Ra, Egypt sun god.

Tyson. Thai son.

Missy Elliott. Les Mis. Isis. Line of Victor Hugo and from ancient Egypt. From Eli.

Marreese. Marie's. From Mary.

Jim. Elohim - Hebrew name for God.

Boyd. Void. Space. Outer space.

Cher. Share.

Sheen. Shin. Higher than the Achilles.

Patterson. Potter son. God molds the clay.

Bethany Hamilton. Botany. Hamil town - Old english. From Queen Elizabeth I.

Sheryl Sanchez Reyes. She Real Son Chess. Reyes King. Chess Grandmaster. From Kings.

Michelle Malkin. Me Shell. Malachi the prophet.

Michael the Arcangel. Michelle. Mikey. Mika. Mica. Mickey Mouse. Mick.

Angel. Angle. Ingle. Inglewood.

Robert de Niro. Robe. Bert. Bartholomew the Apostle. Of Nero.

Joe Rogan. UFC. Host. Joseph. Raw Gun. Rogue. Gun maker. Gun fighter.

Gastrich. Gastric. Doctor.

Muhammad. Mohammad. Mohammed. Moses. Al Hamed - town in Egypt near Rosetta. Moses in Al Hamed was known as Mohammed. Just like NBA players Chris Webber is C-Webb, Chris Paul CP3, Marreese Speights Mo Speights.

Sugar Shane Mosley. Sugarcane. Candy cane. Jolly old St. Nicholas. Most Lee. Moslem also Chinese.

Laura Ingraham. Laurel. Ingram the gunmaker. Abraham.

Greta Van Susteren. Great Vanguard Zeus Tern. Tern long distance flier. Train.

Britney Spears. Brit Writ Nay B.S. Spears. No nonsense British lawyer. From Poseidon.

Angelika Schmeing. Angelicopter. Angel Cop Is Me.

Rafael. Raphael. Rafe. Angel. Renaissance painter.

Nicholas. Saint. Nick. Nikko. Nikki. Nica. Nic.

Cecilia Orena Drilon. Sicilian miner Drilling for Ores.

Daphne Osena Paez. Drop on Knee Oz Pa Yes. Knighted by Austrian Emperor.

Ariana Grande. From the Aryan race. Cambrian explosion. Grand Dei. Opus Dei. Work of God.

Demi Moore. justdemi. Insecure but ambitious Demi-god who wants more. Damn Me is Moor.

Demi Lovato. ddlovato. Dare-Devil Demi-god who loves The Rock.

Kiefer Ravena. Keeper of Ravens and Doves from Noah's Ark.

Patricia Bermudez Hizon. Paternal Tri Bermuda Hiss On. Like the snake from the Garden. Doctor from Bermuda. From Neptune.

Sam Oh. iamsamoh. From Samuel the King. Samoan and Chinese Samo.

Steven Tyler. Stephen. Eve. Thai ruler.

Scarlett Johansson. Scarlet Letter, Sherlock. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Johan John son. SJ Saint John.

Ringo Starr. Richard Starkey. Drummer. Little Drummer Boy. Parapapampam. Gringo in Paraguay. From King Richard I. From the stars. Key. Saint Peter.

Hey Guys follow the guide above 'cause all of you have more unique details that I unable to see.

As I said before its better if the work time clock is adjusted from 8am to 7am because the mind is sharper and fresher. You see the change from dark into light is like a switch. Subconsciously this wired into the brain like a flash bulb. I prefer 6am cause the sun is up at the time. You see like what I do, I am up around 4am, 5am and blogging. Later you will have more time socializing and doing good activities. And early sleep time also cause the body needs to recharge the parts. Compare them to refrigerators, from time to time it is cleaned. But our parts are not like that of a ref that can withstand continued operation so we have to rest. So that means light into dark is truly the destination of mankind? The NBA for example, all white people until the blacks came. I made a Black vs White in playstation and to complete the White roster I have to include the Euros.

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