Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My sport

I have not seen a full basketball game in quite a while. I'm into volleyball nowadays. Actually I like the Russia National Women's Volleyball team. No idea who's gonna win the NBA playoffs. I think the music below does not tell anything.

My advice on religions
Like I said if a religion prevents you from being the best that you can be, then what are you waiting for? Get out of there. When people regard you as belonging to a cult, that prevents you from the being the best you can be. You cannot freely chase your passions whether it be in education, in entertainment and in sports. And that would be a shame. For parents, do this for your kids. For them to live in normal surroundings. The good soil. When they come of age, teach them your churches' doctrines and let the adult decide where to go. For other churches which has similar conditions like that of Catholics, like Protestants for example, no need to rock the boat if the religion urges you to be the best you can be.

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