Sunday, May 10, 2015


Because of the cold weather, Americans are hairy which functions as clothing. Asians meanwhile have thick straight hair so obviously it not for the cold weather. We only have two seasons; the rainy season and the summer so the hair is like the roof of a house so that the rain water drips around the sides. My questions is if an Asian migrates to Europe or where there are four seasons, do their hair also adapt? And if a westerner goes to southeast asia, what happens to the hair? The eyebrows also acts like a wiper. And the armpits hair is like a downspout for perspiration. For friction also so that the armpits get warm. Yep you are not supposed to remove the hair from your armpits. God has a purpose for that. Why you people are stubborn? Also the migration of food and animals. Maybe this is the essence of the Tower of babel. Story in Genesis says that people only speak one language and built a tower. God changed their language so that they cannot understand each other to scatter them all over the earth. My understanding is let us say they have one language. But people have they have their own opinions so I say disagreements occurred. Some chose to move on and some chose to stay. Some maybe groups and some couples and maybe individuals in their lonesome. And so a group settled in Africa, their skin gets scorched by the sun and their limbs adjusted to hunting animals and being hunted by animals. White people goes to the Americas, and hunted animals also but they have shelter in caves. They developed thin hairy skin to adjust to the snow. Asians are small because of the plants like rice available to the region while Americans are taller because of the bread. I think I have said it that Asians are getting taller because of the modified diet nowadays. This is evolution.

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