Thursday, May 21, 2015

Forces of nature

Okay so I was thinking. I was feeling under the weather the past few days. Probably jetlagged though I only rided a bus from a trip. You see 6 to 7 hours of sitting will make you uncomfortable. Although there were couple of stops every two hours. I was reminded of rigor mortis - if I remember correctly its the blood settling down below the person's body. Its somewhat similar to being jetlagged. In a sitting position the portion most affected will be the back of the legs. And traveling in the air, I would think the gravity pull is greater. I think the plane counteracts most of the pull but not all 'cause you feel this ringing in your ear. So what I think the solution for jetlag is to circulate the blood. I remember the egg roll exercise in my college days, that is you hug yourself in a cradle position and roll around.

I was talking about this gravity before and the way it stunts growth. If the gravity pull was lesser in the ancient times, then we can say that the humans and plants and animals are taller in those days. I remembered one time I applied wax on the windshield of my car and pressed the button for the water spinkler. Say I was driving 100 or 120 then, you see the effect is that the drops of water went up! Not down. So when you drive, it helps to the circulation of the blood. Probably into areas which are difficult to reach. The need for speed! That is provided the veins and arteries are not clogged. I think accu-pressure and accu-puncture are examples of unclogging the veins. Maybe helps some of the circulation as well. Of course nothing beats a healthy, delicious and nutritious diet.

But I think the effect of centrifugal force is better. Similar to amusement park rides like the roller coaster, merry-go-round and ferris wheel. Better yet the machines used by astronauts in their training. Maybe this should be commercialized. The video below shows a person spinning on a sitting position. What if they use the Vitruvian man position from Da Vinci. What's the effect on brains? On babies?

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