Monday, May 4, 2015


Humans grow the bones horizontally that is why we become big boned (not being naughty). And I think that is because of gravity. We spend most of our day, around 16 hours walking or sitting so I would think gravity pushes the bone growth horizontally. So what if people spend their day sideways? Just wondering if this will make people taller. I realize this is the case for babies and toddlers. For adolescents I guess they must sleep longer until the growth spurts stop. They say these spurts stop until about 25 years old. But doesn't necessarily mean that growth stops altogether. So am I saying taller is better? In basketball, a good tall team will most probably beat a good small team. We have now our first assumption: taller is better. Next our assumption would be the internal organs gets stretched as well. Like in the case of the brain. If the skull gets elongated, this allows the brains to grow that way cause the skull molds the brains. We have to observe and evaluate what it does to the brains. Or like in the case of Usain Bolt, we assume that he has better lung system to complement his limbs. And so on the heart, liver and etcetera. Of course we are talking purely physical here. If the brains for example are not mentally developed, its just a waste.

I was thinking experiments, this can dangerous so handle with care. What if we increase the gravity in an enclosure? Can we make babies or toddlers taller when they sleep? Again what are the further effects on the brains and other organs?

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