Friday, May 1, 2015

These days (16)

Home economics
We have a subject like this in h.s. and our teacher told us to make a garnish. I remember getting a carrot and putting two eyes in it. It looked like a rat.

Movie ideas
I think a drama film is better than say a horror or action movie. I don't know, I am not an authority on things like this. Maybe too much violence and noise in horror, action, comedy movies. Okay I recommend you a good one, With Honors where 'Joe Pesci' lives in the basement of a university library and a group of students became acquainted with him and searched his story.

As was mentioned before, I have the opinion that the government set qualifications for public officials. I mean we have examinations for entrance in universities and in the work place, the public office should be no different. How can they govern with good standards if they do not have the knowledge? I am favor of political dynasty if they pass the qualification. And of course, I think we have the Ombudsman check them out. Which would mean stricter qualifications for the Ombudsman office. Just my two cents worth.

Humans grow the bones horizontally that is why we become big boned (not being naughty). And I think that is because of gravity. We spend most of our day, around 16 hours walking or sitting so I would think gravity pushes the bone growth horizontally. So what if people spend their day sideways? just wondering if this will make people taller.

2 cameras
These are must-haves for traveling. One, a tough, durable and waterproof Point and Shoot camera you can bring anywhere. Secondly, a bulky DSLR with lens and a tripod to shoot macros and the moon for example.

Everything must have come from something, I said this before. Like the film Vanilla Sky, when I read it was from a Mexican film, I immediately watched it. I like getting to the original concept. Same thing with the Bible, I always compare the verses and refer to the King James which is one of the earliest translations of the Bible to settle the differences in interpretations. Say in this modern version Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. In King James, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Do you see the difference? The King James verse is absolute.

King Kong
So I've been thinking, Hong Kong rhymes with King Kong. The story of King Kong is that a filmmaker who likes to film in exotic places and gets a ship for the next project. He finds the leading lady for the film Ann Darrow and the ship's first mate became attracted to her. The filmmaker led the crew to an uncharted island known as Kong. Ann ran into natives who captured her and bring her to the King of Kong, a giant Gorilla. There are also dangerous creatures on the island and King Kong protected her from them. The strangers managed to captured King Kong with a gas bomb and took him to New York and presented as the Eight wonder of the world. Kong escapes and gets Ann and climbed to the Empire State Building. Fighter planes fired at the Gorilla and he died because of the wounds. Some believed it was the planes which killed the Gorilla while some believed it was Beauty meaning Ann who killed the him. Let us say Ann Darrow is Hong Kong and King Kong is China. With the death of King Kong I believe is the death of the rampage. Its just symbolic of openness to globalization. Okay I will be blunt with this. If Hong Kong, and Taiwan for that matter, votes for independence, I think China has to let them go.

Religious shows
I admit watching them countless of hours as a young man. Its just natural to search for the truth. But these other religions does not answer my questions so I cannot join them. You know people grow and you just look back on these as something you learned from.

Here's my verdict on sodas after drinking more than my usual. It just reiterated my observations in the past. It disrupts your bowel system. Iffy. Lots of farting. Makes you sweat sticky and uncomfortable as opposed to feeling fresh with water therapy. Sugar fools your brain that you are full already so you eats less and gets less nutrition as well. On the other hand, it tastes good and is welcomed by all. My personal decision is to avoid as much as possible.

I just watched Flatliners again. You know the movie is about medical students who want to search for the after life. They helped one of them to end his life then resuscitate him back to the living. Creepy stuff so the actors are convincing. Not advisable to watch alone though.

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