Saturday, July 4, 2015

Follow Jesus

Matthew 8
21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
The dead are wallowing in sins, ignorance and stupidity. Let the dead glorify the dead. You guys who are living have found a new heaven and a new earth. So go and explore your new world. Procreate, have fun and help other people. Baptize other people with your light. Influence them with your thinking, words and actions

Follow Jesus. Avoid all appearances of evil. Women should behave modestly, honorably and with self-control. Men as leaders should show people how it is to be modest, honorable and disciplined. Absolutely NO to same-sex relationships. You are dead in spirit if you continue the corruption. 

To be clear, I am not judging nor condemning anyone in the video because they do not know the law. Now that you know the doctrines of Jesus, go and sin no more.

: cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
: change or debase by making errors or unintentional alterations.

Follow the doctrines of Jesus in this blog. Do not change or debase it.
James 4
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

I have a special affinity with nuns because I studied in a Catholic school of the Religious for the Virgin Mary (RVM) nuns from grade school to high school. I think the rainbows here meant the Eunuchs because you can learn from these people also. However avoid all appearances of evil. No to same-sex relationships. If the Eunuchs are modest, honorable and disciplined and they follow the doctrines of Jesus, I will follow their works.

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